Summer Jam of Arts - north Greece






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Hello to everyone!


We are very happy to announce you the 11th Summer Jam of Arts Festival focused on Contact Improvisation, somatics, applied anatomy, Ilan Lev method, Feldenkrais and impro composition, Bothmer movement meditation, as well as live music, Holistic Health approaches such as ZenThaiShiatsu massage & Homoeopathy. 

We will be hosted in a beautiful camping - hotel surrounded by trees, greenery, a large private golden beach and with amazing greek traditional food!

A big dance floor will be constructed for the event on the beach at 3-4 metres from the sea!!  



The aim of the festival is to offer at the participants the opportunity to study Contact and other arts, exploring the energy and the wisdom of the body; having new experiences and discovering new ways of perceiving, of being and living in a more respectful, genuine relation and harmony with nature, ourselves and the others.


(our Jam of Arts teachers!!) 


Immediately afterwars is going to take place the SunDance festival dedicated toEcstatic and concious dances as  5Rhythms, Azul, Ecstatic dance, Mindful dance, mindful voice, live dj sets and much more

We are very happy having more than 10 teachers and facilitators originary from 4 different continents!! Including Morocco, Qatar, Israel, Italy, Greece, Brazil, Poland and Germany!!

Dates of the festivals:

23 - 29 August, Jam of Arts Festival

29 Aug - 3 Sep, SunDance Festival

We offer very convenient prices for who wants to join both festivals!

For more details about SunDance  click here

Let's dive in dance!!